
We know what to do against climate change. But do we know what blocks us from action?

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Fewer flights, less meat: Everyone knows the practical advice on how to mitigate climate change. But is the survival of the planet a purely technical problem – once solved, back to business as usual? Or do we first need to learn to really look the catastrophe in the eye and talk about what it is doing to us? The climate psychologist Rebecca Nestor describes how feelings of fear and shame paralyse not only people but entire organisations. The activist Zoë Ruge blocks motorways with the Last Generation to force a change in consciousness and politics. And the artist Lu Yang combines near-death experiences with Buddhist dance in flaming video installations, questioning man’s place in a thoroughly technologized universe. The second talk in the new STUDIO BONN series GLOBAL NERVE SYSTEMS is all about fear and how living with it makes us curious and capable of taking action again.

The psychologist REBECCA NESTOR advises organisations and individuals on the challenges posed by climate change. Watch a conversation between her and the artist Grace Ndiritu, who was a guest at GLOBAL NERVE SYSTEMS in October 2022. Rebecca Nestor will come from Oxford (by train).

Zoë Ruge (born 1999 in Berlin) has been involved with the Last Generation since January 2022. She has participated in numerous street blockades, gives lectures, and provides legal assistance to imprisoned or accused activists. She also appears in Volker Lösch’s theatre production Recht auf Jugend (Right to Youth) at the Theater Bonn (next performance on 16 April). Zoë Ruge is currently majoring in Cultural Studies and History at the University of Freiburg.

In the videos and games of Lu Yang (born 1984 in Shanghai), technoid monsters and gods dance to loud music in front of seas of flames and temple flags. A self-experienced plane crash was the focus of his video installation DOKU the Self, which was shown in the award-winning exhibition for the ‘Deutsche Bank Artist of the Year’ in the Palais Populaire in Berlin in 2022. The Kunsthalle Basel is hosting the solo exhibition LuYang. Vibratory Field (until 21 May). Lu Yang’s work is part of the exhibition curated by Hans Ulrich Obrist, Worldbuilding. Gaming and Art in the Digital Age, at the Julia Stoschek Collection in Düsseldorf (until 10 December). In 2022, the Bundeskunsthalle presented Lu Yang’s work Electromagnetic Brainology in the exhibition The Brain in Art & Science. Lu Yang will participate online from Tokyo.

‘How to Cope With Fear’ is the second talk of the new STUDIO BONN series ‘GLOBAL NERVE SYSTEMS’. Here, scientists, artists, and public officials discuss which senses we need to sharpen and which new narratives and world views are necessary in order to face coming disasters.

Konzept und Redaktion: Kolja Reichert Regie: Frank Buchholz Redaktioneller Schnitt und Postproduktion: YELLAH! Studios © Kunst- und Ausstellungshalle der Bundesrepublik Deutschland GmbH 2023

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