EXCHANGE VALUES: Contracts for Earth (EN)


Within a mere two hundred years, the capitalist economy has revealed itself as unsustainable: it is destroying its own ecological and social foundations. Indigenous economies, on the other hand, have worked for millennia – and are increasingly being discussed as solutions for coping with climate change. STUDIO BONN presents three models of global cooperation that combine sustainability and social justice.


The design expert JULIA WATSON, author of Lo-TEK. Design by Radical Indigenism, Taschen 2021, has researched indigenous architectures all over the world. To ensure that the transfer of knowledge does not lead to one-sided exploitation, WATSON has developed a new business model: An oral smart contract, developed with experts in indigenous law, allows companies that use indigenous knowledge to share profits with the indigenous communities that originated it via blockchain.

The diplomat and computer scientist YOUSSEF NASSEF has coordinated resilience work in the United Nations system for 23 years, after having served as a diplomat and climate change negotiator for ten years before that. Disillusioned with the impact of the post industrial-revolution war on the biosphere, he and the new Bonn-based UN initiative Resilience Frontiers are using the knowledge of writers, film directors and data analysts to gear our attitudes, thoughts and actions towards the impending destruction of the planet.

On a former palm oil plantation in Lusanga, Congo, CED'ART TAMASALA and MATHIEU KASIAMA and the CONGOLESE PLANTATION WORKERS' ART LEAGUE (Cercle d’art des travailleurs de plantation congolaise, CATPC) engage with the history of the colonial exploitation of palm oil and cocoa plantations. CATPC’s chocolate sculptures have been exhibited at the SculptureCenter in New York and elsewhere. The day before the Studio Bonn event, at the Art Basel art fair, CATPC and artist RENZO MARTENS launched 300 NFTs of a Diviner’s Figure carved in 1931 during the Pende uprising against Belgian colonial rule and now preserved at the Virginia Museum of Art. The proceeds will be used to buy back land and revitalise cultural traditions and sustainable agriculture.

Konzept und Redaktion: Kolja Reichert Regie: Frank Buchholz Redaktioneller Schnitt und Postproduktion: YELLAH! Studios Foto: Geza Aschoff © Kunst- und Ausstellungshalle der Bundesrepublik Deutschland GmbH 2023

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